Bathroom and Balcony Waterproofing


Bathroom and Balcony Waterproofing

Today in modern buildings, bathrooms are not just the places of freshening up but also are visualized as personal spaces

Bathroom and Balcony Waterproofing

Today in modern buildings, bathrooms are not just the places of freshening up but also are visualized as personal spaces to get refreshed and rejuvenated. As a matter of fact, a substantial amount of time and investment is put in to makeover or build bathrooms as per individual's choice. Of all the rooms in your house, you will need the bathroom to be the most waterproofed.

The whole visualization gets disturbed when such bathrooms look wet and get frequently exposed to water penetration through gaps. Failure to waterproof bathrooms not only hampers the looks of your house but it could also lead to major problems. Though wet areas occupy less than 10% of the gross floor area, the annual maintenance cost for such bathrooms' area can range from 35% to 50% of the total maintenance cost depending on the type of facility.

The main purpose of the waterproofing treatment is to stop the movement of water through the floor bed or moisture penetration through the walls: drainage of the water through proper slope to the drain points.