Terrace Waterproofing


Terrace Waterproofing

Waterproofing of flat terraces is a tricky problem in building construction, mainly because the surfaces are flat. This means that the water cannot run off the structure quickly, and will move slowly or pool above the surface, creating opportunities for leakage. In addition, these flat surfaces require sumps or collection pits for the water to flow into before entering the vertical drainage pipes, which another great source of leaks.

Terrace Waterproofing

Waterproofing of flat terraces is a tricky problem in building construction, mainly because the surfaces are flat. This means that the water cannot run off the structure quickly, and will move slowly or pool above the surface, creating opportunities for leakage.

In addition, these flat surfaces require sumps or collection pits for the water to flow into before entering the vertical drainage pipes, which another great source of leaks.

New Terrace

We provide conventional water proofing services for new terraces like brickbat coba and concrete screeds using various chemicals like Dr Fixit, Roff, Kerakoll, Chembond, Choksey etc.

Old Terrace

We specialize in waterproofing old structures without any breaking the existing water proofing with our own developed 7 coat application which gives excellent waterproofing solution along with decreasing the temperature of the floor beneath resulting in overall energy savings.